المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Text Message Abbreviations

:: بحر ::
09-04-2009, 09:51 PM
Here is a partial list of some of the most common abbreviations used in texting on cellphones !

Text Message Abbreviations

2 = to / too

4 = for

8 = ate

+ly = positively

2moro = tomorrow

2nite = tonight

2day = today

AKA - Also Known As

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

BFF - Best Friend Forever

BRB - Be Right Back

BTW - By The Way

BCNU = be seeing you

BRT = be right there

BCOZ - Because

B4 = before

CIO = check it out

CUL8R = see you later

D8 = date

DIY - Do It Yourself

EZ = easy

EVRY1 = every one

FYI - For Your Information

GR8 = great

GTG = got to go

IDK = I didn't know

IMO = in my opinion

IUC = if you can

IYD = in your dreams

ILBL8 = I'll be late

K - OK

L8 = late

LOL = laughing out loud

LMK = let me know

MBRSD = embarrassed

MSG = message

MIL - Mother In Law

NO1 = no one

NRN = no reply necessary

NE1 - Anyone

OIL = oh I see

PC = please call

PLS = please

PPL � People

R = are

RUOK = are you ok?

SUP? = what's up?

THX = thanks

TTYL - Talk To You Later

TC - Take Care

U = you

WB = write back

WKND = weekend

WOT = what

W/O - Without

XLNT = excellent

Y = why

YNK = you never know
