عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 24-11-2012, 10:31 AM   رقم المشاركة : 9

آية بسمله

الملف الشخصي

آية بسمله غير متواجد حالياً



Trade name: Orbenin
Class: antibiotic - penicillinase-resistant penicillins
Pregnancy: Category B

Action: Inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis

Infections caused by penicillinase- producing staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci
infected wounds & burns
Septic arthritis

Dose : by mouth, 250–500 mg every 6 hours, at least 30 minutes before food; Child under 2 years quarter adult dose; 2–10 years half adult dose
By intramuscular injection, 250–500 mg every 6 hours; Child under 2 years quarter adult dose; 2–10 years half adult dose

By slow intravenous injection or by intravenous infusion, 025–2 g every 6 hours; Child under 2 years quarter adult dose; 2–10 years half adult dose
Endocarditis 12 g daily in 6 divided doses for 4 weeks
Osteomyelitis up to 8 g daily in 3–4 divided doses

Hypersensitivity to penicillins & cephalosporin

Side effects
Allergic: skin rashes, pruritis, wheezing, fever…
Diarrhea, abdominal cramps pain, nausea, vomiting
Psendomembranous colitis, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia
Thrombophlebitis + Electrolytes imbalance following IV use

Nursing considerations
Administer on an empty stomach
Refrigerate reconstituted solution & discard remaining amount after 14 days
NB: To prepare oral suspension, add amount of water stated on label and shake well
Shake the bottle well before each use

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